Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary)
Human Rights and Refugees in Africa: An Annotated Bibliography
Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme: Un Guide Bibliographique des Publications Parues en Langue Française
Resources for Refugee Research: A Bibliography
Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa
Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature
Book Series:
International Library of Migration Studies
Program in Migration and Refugee Studies
Studies in Forced Migration
Geographic Resources:
Collection: Refworld Maps
Collection: UNHCR Map Portal
People on the Move: An Atlas of Migration
The Global Refugee Crisis: A Reference Handbook
The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
Literature Reviews:
Can We Talk and Is Anybody Listening? Reflections on IASFM 10, ‘Talking Across Borders: New Dialogues in Forced Migration’
Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration: A Report on the Fifth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting, April 1996
Comprehensive Literature Review of Creating a Framework for Understanding Global Refugee Policy
Forced Migration and Global Processes: Report of the Eighth Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 5-9 January 2003
'Forced Migration' in Karamoja Uganda
Forced Migration Studies: 'Who Are We and Where are We Going?' Report on IASFM 12, Nicosia, Cyprus, June 28-July 2 2009
Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies. A Report on the First Annual Meeting of the International Advisory Panel, January 1990
Literature Review (Bridging the Gap)
Literature Review: Urban Refugees
The Refugee Convention at 50: Forced Migration Policy at the Turn of the Century. Report of the Seventh International Research and Advisory Panel Conference of the International Association for the Study of Forced Migration, January 2001
Refugees: A Conceptual View of Current Research and Towards a Research Framework for the 1990s
Refugees and Exile: From 'Refugee Studies' to the National Order of Things
Refugees and Forced Migrants at the Crossroads: Forced Migration in a Changing World
Refugees, Immigrants, and the State
A Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991
Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era. A Report on the Third Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1992
The Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges. Report of the Ninth IASFM Conference, São Paulo, Brazil, January 2005
The State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting, January 1994
The State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa
The Study of Refugees Before 'Refugee Studies'
Study on Impacts and Costs of Forced Displacement: State of the Art Literature Review
Whose Needs are Right? Refugees, Oustees and the Challenges of Rights-Based Approaches in Forced Migration
Multimedia Resources:
Collection: FMO Photos
Collection: FMO Podcasts
Collection: FMO Videos
Collection: RSC Library Videos
Collection: UNHCR Audio-Visual Archive
Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection
Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network (APRRN)
Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies (CARFMS)
Forced Migration Discussion List
Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network (GRAMNet)
International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM)
Red Latinoamericana de Migración Forzada
Refugee Research Network (RRN)
AWR Bulletin: Quarterly on Refugee Problems
Forced Migration Review
Journal of Refugee Studies
Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration
Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees
Refugee Survey Quarterly
Refugee Watch: A South Asian Journal on Forced Migration
Research Collections:
Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Research Directory
Digests of Relevant Publications
Forced Migration Digital Library
Good Practices for Urban Refugees
New Issues in Refugee Research
RSC Working Papers
Resource Guides/Collections:
Collection: FMO Expert Guides
Collection: ICAR Briefings
Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides
Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies: A Resource Guide
Statistical Resources:
Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database
Statistical Yearbook [year]: Trends in Displacement, Protection and Solutions
UNHCR Global Trends [year]
Yearbooks/Annual Surveys:
The State of the World's Refugees
World Refugee Survey [year]
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