Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools


Bibliographic information:


Hamilton, Richard J., Angelika Anderson, Kaaren Frater-Mathieson, Shawn Loewen, and Dennis W. Moore. [2000]. Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools: Models, Methods, and Best Practice. Wellington: Ministry of Education, New Zealand.




This review sought to identify school-based strategies for helping resettled refugee children to adapt to their new environment.  The authors use an ecological model to frame their discussion.  Chapters focus on refugee trauma, loss and grief; second language concerns for refugee children; resilience; issues of migration; school and teacher effects; and conceptual and policy issues.  The final chapter highlights best practices for helping refugee children in school that stem from the preceding discussion.  The authors succinctly describe their methodology for locating references and the keywords used.  Over 200 references are listed. 









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