
Subject Categories

Page history last edited by EEM 14 years, 4 months ago



Subject Categories


The source for this selection of subject categories is a classification scheme that was first developed by the British Refugee Council in November 1995, and later modified by the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC).  The hierarchical listing below displays broad subjects used to classify information resources in this guide.  Clicking on a category will take you to a separate page with a title list of all resources assigned a particular subject.  In this way, readers can easily browse related records.  (Note: Browse the index terms list to locate resources that have been described using much more specific keywords from the International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology.) 



10                    Country of Origin Conditions


20                    Causes of Flight (not used)


            21        Persecution


            21.6     Human rights violations


22        Armed conflict


23.1     Environment


23.2     Complex emergencies


23.3     Natural disasters


24        Early warning


30                    Migration


            30.1     Forced migration


            31.1     Internal displacement


            31.31   Human trafficking/Illegal immigration


40                    Asylum & Legal Protection


            41        International law (including international refugee and humanitarian law)


            44.2     Refugee status (including human rights)


            45.3     Statelessness


            46        Repatriation


            46.1     Resettlement


50                    Assistance (not used)


            50.5     Emergency relief/Humanitarian assistance


            53        Housing


                        53.2     Refugee placement

                        53.52   Camps


            54        Health


                        54.3     Disease   

                        54.7     Public health

                        54.9     Reproductive health (new code) 


            59.25    Social services 


            59.5     Financing


60                    Adaptation & Integration


            61        Psychology/Mental health


            62.35   Forced migrant experiences


            64        Education


            65        Economic adaptation (including refugee livelihoods)


            65.1     Economic development/Reconstruction


            66        Media/Attitudes


80                    Special Groups (not used)


            83        Ethnic and national groups


            83.5     Palestinians (new code)


            85.2     Women


            86.1     Elderly


            86.2     Youth


                        86.21   Unaccompanied minors

                        86.22   Children


             87       Family 


90                    Organizations


            93        International organizations



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