Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement


Bibliographic information:


Cernea, Michael M. 1995. "Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement: Reflections on the State of Knowledge." Journal of Refugee Studies 8 (3):245-64. 




This article reproduces the opening address given at the "International Conference on Development Induced Displacement and Impoverishment," held January 3-7, 1995 in Oxford.  The author begins with a state of the art review of the involuntary resettlement phenomenon within the social science research literature.  He continues with an overview of how impoverishment results from development-induced displacement and the economics of resettlement.  Next, he discusses how to involve the people who will be affected by the development project in the planning process.  He concludes with suggestions for future research.  Over 60 references are listed. 







Internal displacement


Resource type:


Journal article