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What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees

Page history last edited by EEM 14 years, 9 months ago


Bibliographic information:


Tempany, Madeleine.  2009.  "What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees: A Literature Review." Transcultural Psychiatry 46 (2): 300-15.




The author aims to synthesize findings of studies that have examined the mental health response of Sudanese to their refugee experience.  She begins by describing her literature search, then presents an overview of the situation in Sudan and causes of flight.  She next considers cross-cultural validity issues in refugee mental health research, then moves on to review research that has focused specifically on Sudanese refugees.  The author concludes that "it remains unclear which aspects of standard treatments used by western-trained mental health practitioners may be beneficial for members of this population."  Over 40 references are listed. 







Ethnic and national groups

Mental health


Resource type:


Journal article



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