Tags on this workspace
- Used on
- EXCOM in Abstracts
- Used on
- Anthropological Research on Hazards and Disasters,
- Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Can We Talk and Is Anybody Listening,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Collection: FMO Podcasts,
- Comprehensive Literature Review of Global Public Policy,
- Forced Migration Discussion List,
- Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network,
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Refugees: A Conceptual View of Current Research,
- Refugees and Exile,
- Refugees and Forced Migrants at the Crossroads,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Select Bibliography: Women,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies
- Used on
- Nationality and Statelessness
- Used on
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States,
- Effects of Violence on Health and Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugee Children,
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Immigrant and Refugee Children in Canada,
- Indochinese Refugees in Australia,
- Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools,
- Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees Resettling in Australia,
- Refugee Education,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber,
- Refugees, Immigrants, and the State,
- Refugees in America in the 1990s,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of the Health Status of Southeast Asian Refugee Women,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families,
- Suffering and Resiliency of Refugee Women,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families
- Adults
- Used on
- Asylum Attitudes,
- Collection: HREA Study Guides,
- Combating Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians,
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- European Network on Statelessness,
- European Resettlement Network,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- How Can the Pro-asylum Lobby Act Strategically to Better Communicate Its Ideas,
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons,
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies,
- International Refugee Law Subcommittee,
- International Sexual Trafficking of Women and Children,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Understanding and Changing Public Attitudes
- Afghanistan
- Afghans
- Used on
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Forced Movements of Population and Health Hazards in Tropical Africa,
- Human Rights and Refugees in Africa,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- Literature Review on Trafficking in West and East Africa,
- No Solutions in Sight: The Problem of Protracted Refugee Situations in Africa,
- Prevalence of HIV Infection in Conflict-affected and Displaced People,
- Refugee and Labour Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Review of Research and Data on Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Organization of African Unity,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
- Smuggling of Migrants into, through and from North Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa
- Used on
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- HIV, AIDS and Internally Displaced Persons in 8 Priority Countries,
- HIV and AIDS: What are the Implications for Humanitarian Action,
- HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations,
- Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Prevalence of HIV Infection in Conflict-affected and Displaced People,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Review of Literature
- Alcoholism
- Used on
- Collection: FMO Photos
- Used on
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Red Latinoamericana de Migración Forzada,
- Research on Human Trafficking in North America,
- Silent Majority: Women as Refugees,
- Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Used on
- Bibliography of Research-based Literature on Human Trafficking,
- Building Livelihoods,
- Collection: IRIN Podcasts,
- Data and Research on Human Trafficking: Bibliography of Research-Based Literature,
- Education and Conflict,
- Getting to Grips with Trafficking,
- Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN),
- Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe,
- Impact Assessment of Humanitarian Response,
- International Refugee Law Series,
- Measuring the Impact of Humanitarian Aid,
- Predisplacement and Postdisplacement Factors Associated with Mental Health,
- Refugee Compensation,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- Annual reports
- Anthropology
Armed conflict
- Used on
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Armed Conflicts Report,
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Crimes of War,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Dictionary of Humanitarianism,
- Emergency Education,
- Greatest Impact of War and Conflict,
- How Effective are Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Direct Experience of Armed Conflict,
- International Review of the Red Cross,
- Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling,
- Mental Health Consequences of War,
- MiniAtlas of Human Security,
- Peace and Conflict,
- Penguin Atlas of War and Peace,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- Public Health Aspects of Complex Emergencies and Refugee Situations,
- Role of the Applied Epidemiologist in Armed Conflict,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Indochinese Refugee Repatriation,
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Human Trafficking in East Asia,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Torture among Tibetan Refugees,
- Problem by a Different Name,
- Review of the Health Status of Southeast Asian Refugee Women,
- Select Bibliography: Internal Displacement in Asia,
- Treading along a Treacherous Trail: Research on Trafficking in Persons in South Asia
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Education and Conflict,
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Collection: HREA Study Guides,
- Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy,
- Desk Review on Urban Reintegration,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons,
- Indochinese Refugees in Australia,
- IOM Handbook of Direct Assistance for Victims of Trafficking,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR at 50,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Somali Refugees in the Horn of Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine,
- Whose Needs are Right
Assistance programmes
- Used on
- Building Livelihoods,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Good Practices for Urban Refugees,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- IOM Handbook of Direct Assistance for Victims of Trafficking,
- Linking Livelihoods and Protection,
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Youth and Conflict
- Used on
- Asylum and Migration Glossary,
- Asylum Migration and Implications for Countries of Origin,
- Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Ecoi,
- Evidence on Attitudes to Asylum and Immigration,
- Gender-based Persecution as a Basis for Asylum,
- How Can the Pro-asylum Lobby Act Strategically to Better Communicate Its Ideas,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- International Migration,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts,
- Refugees in Western Europe,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Migration and Asylum,
- Understanding and Changing Public Attitudes,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
- Asylum policy
Asylum seekers
- Used on
- Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries,
- Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Other Immigrants,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Collection: Population and Social Conditions,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Country of Origin Information and Women,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Drug Prevention for Young Asylum Seekers and Refugees,
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- Guide to Published Research on Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Immigrants in Ireland,
- Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme,
- Managing and Understanding Psychological Issues among Refugee Applicants,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Pervasive Refusal Syndrome among Asylum-seeking Children,
- Primary Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Psychological Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Refugee and Asylum Seeker Research in Scotland,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber,
- Research Directory,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Rights in Exile Programme,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- They First Killed His Heart (Then) He Took His Own Life,
- UNHCR Global Trends,
- Working with Refugee Children,
- World Refugee Survey
- Attitudes
- Audiovisual media
- Used on
- Are Refugees at Increased Risk of Substance Misuse,
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Indochinese Refugees in Australia,
- Managing and Understanding Psychological Issues among Refugee Applicants,
- Psychological Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees Resettling in Australia,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Resettlement of Refugees in Australia,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region,
- What Does the Literature Say about Resilience in Refugee People
- Bangladesh
Basic human standards
- Used on
- Collection: IASC Products
Basic needs
- Used on
- Collection: IDMC Maps
- Used on
- Alcohol and Drug Use among Displaced Persons,
- Atlas of International Migration,
- AWR Bulletin,
- Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- International Review of the Red Cross,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Literature Review: The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Psychosocial Concepts in Humanitarian Work with Children,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Smuggling of Migrants,
- Smuggling of Migrants into, through and from North Africa,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law,
- Youth and Conflict
- Biographies
- Birth
Book reviews
- Used on
- Development in Practice,
- Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees,
- Refugee Watch
- Border controls
- Bosnians
Breast feeding
- Used on
- Burden sharing
- Used on
- Collection: FMO Photos
- Burundi
- Cambodia
- Cambodians
- Cameroon
- Used on
- Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Immigrant and Refugee Children in Canada,
- Precarious Housing and Hidden Homelessness,
- Refugee Integration in Canada,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Trafficking in Human Beings and Organized Crime
- Case law
Case studies
- Used on
- Assessment of the Impact of Asylum Policies in Europe,
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Entrenched Relations and the Permanence of Long-term Refugee Camp Situations,
- Refugee Compensation,
- Refugee Repatriation,
- Remittances in Conflict and Crises,
- Select Bibliography: Migration and Asylum
Causes of flight
- Used on
- Armed Conflicts Report,
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements,
- Environmentally-Induced Displacement,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Refugees, Immigrants, and the State,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Somali Refugees in the Horn of Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies,
- Tale of Two Solitudes,
- Trafficking in Women and Children,
- Urban Refugees in Kenya
Child care
- Used on
- Networks of Support
- Child immigrants
Child refugees
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,
- Collecting Children's Refugee Literature,
- Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States,
- Education in Emergencies,
- Effects of Violence on Health and Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugee Children,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- How Effective are Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Direct Experience of Armed Conflict,
- Immigrant and Refugee Children in Canada,
- Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools,
- Measuring Refugee Malnutrition in the Under-fives,
- Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children,
- Mental Health of Refugee Children,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychosocial Concepts in Humanitarian Work with Children,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- The Utilisation of Mental Health Services by Children and Young People from a Refugee Background
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Education and Conflict,
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Appendix II: Literature Review,
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Children Affected by Organized Violence,
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Emotional Effects of Disaster on Children,
- Families in Refugee Camps,
- Greatest Impact of War and Conflict,
- How Effective are Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Direct Experience of Armed Conflict,
- Journeys of Jeopardy,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Pervasive Refusal Syndrome among Asylum-seeking Children,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- Refugee Education: A Global Review,
- Sex Trafficking into the United States,
- Trafficking for the Purposes of Labour Exploitation,
- Trafficking in Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons: An Annotated Legal Bibliography Delineating Five Years of Development,
- Working with Refugee Children
- Child soldiers
- Chronologies
- Civil and political rights
Civilian population
- Used on
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Crimes of War,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Linking Livelihoods and Protection,
- Penguin Atlas of War and Peace,
- Protection: An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies,
- Trends in Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance
- Climate
- Used on
- Refugee Research Network
- Colombia
- Used on
- Asylum Attitudes,
- Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief,
- Glossary: Internationally Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms related to Disaster Management,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- How Can the Pro-asylum Lobby Act Strategically to Better Communicate Its Ideas,
- Language of Disasters,
- Master Glossary of Terms,
- Understanding and Changing Public Attitudes
Communication technology
- Used on
- Forced Migration Discussion List
- Communities
- Community development
- Community relations
- Compensation
Conference papers
- Used on
- Can We Talk and Is Anybody Listening,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Forced Migration and Global Processes,
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Overview of Research into Refugee Groups in Britain during the 1900s,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugees and Forced Migrants at the Crossroads,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region,
- Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges,
- Short Review of Literature on the Health Problems of Refugees,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan
- conflict
- Used on
- Alert,
- Annotated Bibliography on Education and Conflict,
- Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos,
- Barriers to Accessing Primary Education in Conflict-Affected Fragile States,
- Collection: CE-DAT,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Collection: FMO Videos,
- Collection: IRIN Photo,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Manuals and Guidelines,
- Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy,
- Contemporary Issues in Humanitarianism,
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Documenting Sexual Violence in Conflict,
- Education and Conflict,
- Education and Conflict: Research and Research Possibilities,
- Education in Crisis Situations,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,
- Glossary of Humanitarian Terms,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Humanitarian Assistance: Breaking the Waves of Complex Political Emergencies,
- Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict,
- International Migration Review,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- Prevalence of HIV Infection in Conflict-affected and Displaced People,
- Public Health, Conflict and Human Rights,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- Remittances in Conflict and Crises,
- RSC Working Papers,
- Select Bibliography: Early Warning,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Security in Refugee Populated Areas,
- Tale of Two Solitudes,
- Thesaurus and Glossary of Early Warning and Conflict Prevention Terms,
- Trends in Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Updates,
- Youth and Conflict
- Conflict resolution
Congolese DR
- Used on
- Mixed Reception
- Coordination
Country of origin
- Used on
- Asylum Migration and Implications for Countries of Origin,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Collection: IDMC Global Statistics,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Remittances in Conflict and Crises,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
Country of origin conditions
- Used on
- Amnesty International Report,
- Armed Conflicts Report,
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Collection: Refworld Handbooks, Manuals,
- Country of Origin Information and Women,
- Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,
- Ecoi,
- Forced Evictions,
- Freedom in the World,
- Global Internal Displacement Database,
- Human Rights Watch World Report,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Refworld,
- Researching Country of Origin Information,
- Rights in Exile Programme,
- The Researcher,
- World Refugee Survey
- Credibility
- Crime
- Criminal behaviour
- Cross-cultural communication
- CSR51
- CSRP67
- CSSP54
Cultural sensitivity
- Used on
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Rights-based Approaches to Mental Health Services with Refugees,
- Selective Literature Review: Immigration, Acculturation and Substance Abuse,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families
- Used on
- Applicability of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Concept to Refugees,
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Cultural Influences in Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Penguin Atlas of Diasporas,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families,
- Understanding Mental Health Needs of Southeast Asian Refugees,
- Use of Cultural Themes in Promoting Health among Southeast Asian Refugees,
- What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees
- Dams
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Collection: Trafficking Statistics Project,
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: CE-DAT,
- Collection: EM-DAT,
- Collection: IDMC Global Statistics,
- Collection: Population and Social Conditions,
- Ecoi,
- Evaluative Reports Database,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Refworld,
- Research Directory,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Resources for Refugee Research
Data collection
- Used on
- Documenting Sexual Violence in Conflict,
- Humanitarian Data Exchange,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Impact Assessment of Humanitarian Response,
- Measuring Refugee Malnutrition in the Under-fives,
- Public Health, Conflict and Human Rights,
- Science of Human Rights, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Taking Stock: A Review of Existing Research on Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation,
- War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility
- Death
- Decisions on refugee status
- Deforestation
- Used on
- Peace and Conflict
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Demography
- Desertification
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Asylum Information Database,
- Atlas of Migration in Europe,
- Legal Framework and Standards relating to the Detention of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants,
- Mental Health Implications of Detaining Asylum Seekers,
- Monitoring Immigration Detention,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- There Are Alternatives
- Developed countries
- Developing countries
- Used on
- Adverse Effects of Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies,
- AidWorkers Network,
- Collection: Eldis Manuals and Toolkits,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Collection: IRIN Photo,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Manuals and Guidelines,
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Development in Practice,
- Emergency Education,
- Encyclopedia of International Development,
- Forced Migration and Global Processes,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Linking Relief and Development,
- Migration-Development Nexus,
- Trends in Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Updates
- Development aid
Development induced displacement
- Used on
- A Critique of the Global Literature on the Conservation Refugee Problem,
- Dams, Displacement, and Community Reconstruction,
- Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement,
- Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Reparation, and Development,
- Encyclopedia of International Development,
- Eviction for Conservation,
- Forced Evictions,
- Forced Evictions and Displacement,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- Guide to the Literature: Forced Evictions,
- International Network on Displacement and Resettlement (INDR),
- Involuntary Resettlement,
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Part Three: Settlement and Resettlement,
- Routledge Studies in Development, Displacement and Resettlement,
- Selected Bibliography on Displacement Caused by Development Projects,
- Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement,
- Tale of Two Solitudes,
- Toward Local Development and Mitigating Impoverishment in Development-induced Displacement,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement,
- Whose Needs are Right
- Diaspora
- Dictionaries
- Used on
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Dams, Displacement, and Community Reconstruction,
- Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean
- Used on
- Alert
- Disaster preparedness
- Disaster prevention
- Used on
- Anthropological Research on Hazards and Disasters,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Development of a Rapid Psychosocial Needs Assessment,
- Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief,
- Dictionary of Humanitarianism,
- Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management,
- Emotional Effects of Disaster on Children,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- Glossary: Internationally Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms related to Disaster Management,
- Glossary of Humanitarian Terms,
- Glossary of New Concepts in Disaster Medicine,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Health Effects of Relocation Following Disaster,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
- Language of Disasters,
- Linking Relief and Development,
- Review of Contributions to Disasters,
- State of Environmental Migration,
- Terminology: Basic Terms of Disaster Risk Reduction,
- UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction,
- World Disasters Report
- Discrimination
- Diseases
Displaced persons
- Used on
- Alcohol and Drug Use among Displaced Persons,
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies,
- Forced Movements of Population and Health Hazards in Tropical Africa,
- Greatest Impact of War and Conflict,
- Health Effects of Relocation Following Disaster,
- Involuntary Resettlement,
- Political Violence in the Third World,
- Refugees and Exile,
- Resource Guide to Displaced and Refugees Studies in the Sudan,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement,
- Study on Impacts and Costs of Forced Displacement,
- Whose Needs are Right
- Dissemination of information
- Documentation
- Documents
- Domestic workers
- Donors
- Drought
- Drug addiction
Durable solutions
- Used on
- Collection: Refworld Handbooks, Manuals,
- Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- Literature Review: Urban Refugees,
- No Solutions in Sight: The Problem of Protracted Refugee Situations in Africa,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Refugee Education: A Global Review,
- Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Women,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR at 50,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and EXCOM,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Women,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- UNHCR Protection Manual,
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine
- Durable Solutions
- Early warning systems
Economic conditions
- Used on
- After the Conflict
- Economic deprivation
- Economic development
Economic integration
- Used on
- Refugee Integration in Canada
- Economics
- Economic self-sufficiency
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Education and Conflict,
- Barriers to Accessing Primary Education in Conflict-Affected Fragile States,
- Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies,
- Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants,
- Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States,
- Education and Conflict,
- Education and Conflict: Research and Research Possibilities,
- Education in Crisis Situations,
- Education in Emergencies,
- Emergency Education,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- On School Quality and Attainment,
- Planning Education in and after Emergencies,
- Refugee Education,
- Refugee Education: A Global Review,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- UNRWA in Figures,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999,
- Working with Refugee Children
- Educational programmes
- Egypt
- Elderly
- Emergency feeding programmes
Emergency medical care
- Used on
- Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies,
- Global Emergency Medicine,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2012,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2013,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2014,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2006,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2007,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2008,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2009,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2010
Emergency relief
- Used on
- Bibliography (Human Rights Historical Dictionary),
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Collection: IRIN Photo,
- Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies,
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Developmental Relief,
- Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief,
- Education and Conflict,
- Emergency Education,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Global Emergency Medicine,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2012,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2013,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2014,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Handbook for Emergencies,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations,
- Humanitarian Assistance: Breaking the Waves of Complex Political Emergencies,
- Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict,
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2006,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2007,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2008,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2009,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2010,
- International Humanitarian Affairs Book Series,
- Language of Disasters,
- Linking Relief and Development,
- Media Coverage of Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters,
- Mental Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Select Bibliography: Humanitarian Action,
- Somali Refugees in the Horn of Africa
- Emergency relief operations
- Emergency relief organizations
- Emergency relief programmes
- Emergency shelter
- Employment
- Employment opportunities
- Environment
- Environmental degradation
- Environmental migrants
- Environmental protection
- Environmental refugees
- Used on
- Assessing the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance in the Health Sector,
- Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- Malaria Control during Mass Population Movements and Natural Disasters,
- Public Health, Conflict and Human Rights,
- Role of the Applied Epidemiologist in Armed Conflict
- Ethnic and national groups
- Ethnic cleansing
- Ethnic conflict
- Ethnomedicine
- Used on
- Assessment of the Impact of Asylum Policies in Europe,
- Asylum Information Database,
- Atlas of Migration in Europe,
- AWR Bulletin,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: Population and Social Conditions,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Database on Protection against Statelessness in Europe,
- Ecoi,
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- Europe, Refugees and International Migration,
- European Journal of Migration and Law,
- European Network on Statelessness,
- European Resettlement Network,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Journeys of Jeopardy,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugee Resettlement: A Literature Review,
- Refugees in Western Europe,
- Roma and Forced Migration,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- Trafficking in Europe,
- Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking,
- You Can Find Anything You Want: A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons
- European Union
- Used on
- Assessing the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance in the Health Sector,
- Evaluative Reports Database,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Good Practices for Urban Refugees,
- Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons,
- Humanitarian Accountability Report,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Impact Assessment of Humanitarian Response,
- Measuring Trauma and Health Status in Refugees,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- State of the Humanitarian System
- Evaluations
- Evidence
Exclusion clauses
- Used on
- Closing Protection Gaps
- Exile
- Expulsion
- Family
Family disunity
- Used on
- Families in Refugee Camps
- Family planning
- Family reunification
- Fertility statistics
- Films
- Financing
- Flight
- Food
- Food supply
- Forced labour
Forced migration
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Atlas of International Migration,
- Can We Talk and Is Anybody Listening,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Collection: FMO Photos,
- Collection: FMO Podcasts,
- Collection: FMO Videos,
- Collection: RSC Library Videos,
- Drinking and Displacement,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- Forced Migration and Global Processes,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Forced Migration Discussion List,
- Forced Migration in Karamoja Uganda,
- Forced Migration Review,
- International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM),
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Penguin Atlas of Diasporas,
- People on the Move: An Atlas of Migration,
- Program in Migration and Refugee Studies,
- Red Latinoamericana de Migración Forzada,
- Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugees and Forced Migrants at the Crossroads,
- Refugee Watch,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Reproductive Health in the Context of Forced Migration,
- Resources for Refugee Research,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Roma and Forced Migration,
- RSC Working Papers,
- Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- Studies in Forced Migration,
- Systematic Bibliography on Return Migration
- Forced relocation
- Forcible return
- Gender-based persecution
Gender role
- Used on
- Alert,
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Families in Refugee Camps,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Select Bibliography: Women,
- Silent Majority: Women as Refugees,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- Georgia
- Used on
- Atlas of International Migration,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Handbook for Planning and Implementing Development Assistance for Refugees (DAR) Programmes,
- Humanitarian Response Index,
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook,
- IOM Handbook of Direct Assistance for Victims of Trafficking,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons
- Government
- Government policy
- Grief
- Used on
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Collection: IASC Products,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Selected Bibliography on Displacement Caused by Development Projects,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Toward Local Development and Mitigating Impoverishment in Development-induced Displacement
- Used on
- Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Research Directory,
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Dictionary of Disaster Medicine and Humanitarian Relief,
- Effects of Violence on Health and Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugee Children,
- Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- Global Emergency Medicine,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2012,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2013,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2014,
- Health Effects of Relocation Following Disaster,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- Humanitarian Companion,
- Injuries Among Afghan Refugees,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2006,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2007,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2008,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2009,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2010,
- International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Measuring the Impact of Humanitarian Aid,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- Political Violence in the Third World,
- Refugee and Immigrant Health,
- Refugee Education,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Review of the Health Status of Southeast Asian Refugee Women,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Roundtable on the Demography of Forced Migration,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Short Review of Literature on the Health Problems of Refugees,
- UNRWA in Figures,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Use of Cultural Themes in Promoting Health among Southeast Asian Refugees,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999,
- Working with Refugee Children
Health services
- Used on
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Assessing the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance in the Health Sector,
- Bibliography: Nursing Research and Practice with Refugees,
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Collection: Sphere Reading Materials,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations,
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response,
- Primary Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Review of Literature,
- Review of Published Literature on Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Rights-based Approaches to Mental Health Services with Refugees,
- Role of the Applied Epidemiologist in Armed Conflict,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- The Utilisation of Mental Health Services by Children and Young People from a Refugee Background,
- Vulnerable Women’s Project: Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women Affected by Rape or Sexual Violence
- Used on
- Atlas of International Migration,
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Cambridge Survey of World Migration,
- Collection: UNRWA Audiovisual Archive,
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- EXCOM in Abstracts,
- Global Institutions,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Paul Weis,
- Penguin Atlas of Diasporas,
- People on the Move: An Atlas of Migration,
- Refugee Education: A Global Review,
- Resettlement of Refugees in Australia,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR at 50,
- Selected Bibliography on Fridtjof Nansen,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies
- Hmong
- Used on
- Collection: Sphere Reading Materials,
- Evidence from the Literature: What Works and What Doesn't,
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Precarious Housing and Hidden Homelessness,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Selected Bibliography on Housing and Property Restitution,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees
- Human development
Humanitarian assistance
- Used on
- Adverse Effects of Humanitarian Aid in Complex Emergencies,
- AidWorkers Network,
- Alert,
- All In Diary,
- Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos,
- Assessing the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance in the Health Sector,
- Bibliography (Human Rights Historical Dictionary),
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Camps,
- Collection: IRIN Podcasts,
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Collection: Sphere Reading Materials,
- Collection: IASC Products,
- Collection: IRIN Photo,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Manuals and Guidelines,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Contemporary Issues in Humanitarianism,
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Development in Practice,
- Dictionary of Humanitarianism,
- Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management,
- Education in Emergencies,
- Encyclopedia of International Development,
- Evaluative Reports Database,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Global Humanitarian Assistance,
- Global Institutions,
- Glossary of Humanitarian Terms,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- HIV and AIDS: What are the Implications for Humanitarian Action,
- HPG Publications,
- Humanitarian Accountability Report,
- Humanitarian Assistance: Breaking the Waves of Complex Political Emergencies,
- Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict,
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response,
- Humanitarian Companion,
- Humanitarian Data Exchange,
- Humanitarian Exchange,
- Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN),
- Humanitarian Response Index,
- Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century,
- Impact Assessment of Humanitarian Response,
- Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web,
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies,
- International Humanitarian Affairs Book Series,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- International Review of the Red Cross,
- Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
- Language of Disasters,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- Master Glossary of Terms,
- Measuring the Impact of Humanitarian Aid,
- Media Coverage of Humanitarian Emergencies,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration,
- Planning Education in and after Emergencies,
- Protection: An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies,
- Public Nutrition in Complex Emergencies,
- Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Assistance,
- Role of the Applied Epidemiologist in Armed Conflict,
- Routledge Humanitarian Studies,
- Science of Human Rights, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Humanitarian Action,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights, Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Action,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
- State of the Humanitarian System,
- Terminology: Basic Terms of Disaster Risk Reduction,
- Trends in Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
- UNISDR Terminology on Disaster Risk Reduction,
- Updates,
- World Disasters Report,
- World Humanitarian Data and Trends,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Humanitarian intervention
Humanitarian personnel
- Used on
- AidWorkers Network,
- All In Diary,
- Contemporary Issues in Humanitarianism,
- Forced Migration Discussion List,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons,
- Humanitarian Companion,
- Humanitarian Exchange,
- Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN),
- Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century,
- International Humanitarian Affairs Book Series,
- Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
- Protection: An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies,
- Routledge Humanitarian Studies
Human rights
- Used on
- 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees,
- Alert,
- Amnesty International Report,
- Annotated Bibliography on Refugee Mental Health,
- Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos,
- Bibliography (Human Rights Historical Dictionary),
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Collection: The Hub,
- Collection: HREA Study Guides,
- Country of Origin Information and Women,
- Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- Forced Evictions,
- Forced Migration and Global Processes,
- Freedom in the World,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Guide to International Human Rights Mechanisms for Internally Displaced Persons ,
- Guide to the Literature: Forced Evictions,
- Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- Human Rights and Natural Disasters,
- Human Rights and Refugees in Africa,
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons,
- Human Rights Watch World Report,
- IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- International Network on Displacement and Resettlement (INDR),
- Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Public Health, Conflict and Human Rights,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Refugees and Human Rights,
- Rights-based Approaches to Mental Health Services with Refugees,
- Science of Human Rights, War Crimes, and Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights, Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Action,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights and Refugees,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- Whose Needs are Right,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
Human rights instruments
- Used on
- Guide to International Human Rights Mechanisms for Internally Displaced Persons ,
- Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology,
- Historical Dictionary of Human Rights and Humanitarian Organizations ,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights and Refugees,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- Whose Needs are Right
- Human rights organizations
- Human rights violations
Human trafficking
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Bibliography of Research-based Literature on Human Trafficking,
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Collection: Trafficking Statistics Project,
- Combating Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians,
- Data and Research on Human Trafficking: Bibliography of Research-Based Literature,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- Getting to Grips with Trafficking,
- Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons,
- Human Smuggling and Trafficking: A Desk Review on the Trafficking of Women from the Philippines,
- Human Trafficking,
- Human Trafficking: A Review for Mental Health Professionals,
- Human Trafficking: Bibliography by Region,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Human Trafficking in East Asia,
- International Migration,
- International Sexual Trafficking of Women and Children,
- IOM Handbook of Direct Assistance for Victims of Trafficking,
- Journeys of Jeopardy,
- Literature Review: The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons and Gender-based Violence,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Literature Review on Trafficking in West and East Africa,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Problem by a Different Name,
- Research on Human Trafficking in North America,
- Review of a Decade of Research on Trafficking in Persons, Cambodia,
- Review of Data on Trafficking in the Republic of Korea,
- Review of Recent Research on Human Trafficking in the Middle East,
- Review of Research and Data on Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Sex Trafficking into the United States,
- Taking Stock: A Review of Existing Research on Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation,
- Trafficking: A Demand Led Problem,
- Trafficking for the Purposes of Labour Exploitation,
- Trafficking in Europe,
- Trafficking in Human Beings and Organized Crime,
- Trafficking in Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons: An Annotated Legal Bibliography Delineating Five Years of Development,
- Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Trafficking in Persons Report,
- Trafficking in Women and Children,
- Treading along a Treacherous Trail: Research on Trafficking in Persons in South Asia,
- Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking,
- You Can Find Anything You Want: A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons
- Illegal entry
- Illegal immigration
- Used on
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Guide to Published Research on Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Immigrants in Ireland,
- Integration: Mapping the Field,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Journal of International Migration and Integration,
- Refugee and Immigrant Health,
- Refugees, Immigrants, and the State,
- Selective Literature Review: Immigration, Acculturation and Substance Abuse
- Immigration
- Immigration law
- Immigration policy
- Implementation
Income-generating projects
- Used on
- UNRWA in Figures
- Income sources
- India
- Indigenous groups
- Indo-Chinese
- Infectious diseases
Influx deterrence
- Used on
- Atlas of Migration in Europe
- Information handling
Information networks
- Used on
- AidWorkers Network,
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers,
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- European Network on Statelessness,
- European Resettlement Network,
- Forced Migration Discussion List,
- Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network,
- Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN),
- International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM),
- International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ),
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- International Network on Displacement and Resettlement (INDR),
- International Refugee Law Subcommittee,
- Red Latinoamericana de Migración Forzada,
- Refugee Research Network,
- Southern Refugee Legal Aid Network
- Information sources
Information technology
- Used on
- Refugee Research Network
- Used on
- Comparative Migration Studies,
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- European Resettlement Network,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Integration: Mapping the Field,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Journal of International Migration and Integration,
- Long Term Settlement of Refugees,
- Overview of Research into Refugee Groups in Britain during the 1900s,
- Path to Integration: Meeting the Special Needs of Refugee Elders in Resettlement,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugee Integration: Can Research Synthesis Inform Policy,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Refugees in Western Europe,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- What Does the Literature Say about Resilience in Refugee People
Integration programmes
- Used on
- Refugee Integration in Canada
- Inter-agency collaboration
Internal displacement
- Used on
- Collection: IDMC Maps,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Global Internal Displacement Database,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- IDP Laws and Policies,
- Internal Displacement: Global Overview,
- Internal Displacement: Responsibility and Action,
- Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web,
- Refugee Watch,
- Researching Internal Displacement,
- Select Bibliography: Internal Displacement in Asia,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Tale of Two Solitudes
Internally displaced persons
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on IDPs in Georgia,
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: IDMC Global Statistics,
- Collection: IDMC Maps,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Collection: RSC Library Videos,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Global Estimates,
- Global Internal Displacement Database,
- Global Report on Internal Displacement,
- Guide to International Human Rights Mechanisms for Internally Displaced Persons ,
- Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons,
- HIV, AIDS and Internally Displaced Persons in 8 Priority Countries,
- IDP Laws and Policies,
- IDP Voices,
- Internal Displacement: Global Overview,
- Internal Displacement: Responsibility and Action,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web,
- Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- Predisplacement and Postdisplacement Factors Associated with Mental Health,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Public Health Aspects of Complex Emergencies and Refugee Situations,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Researching Internal Displacement,
- Review of Literature,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Selected Bibliography on Housing and Property Restitution,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Women,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- UNHCR Global Trends,
- UNHCR Protection Manual,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict
- International aid
- International cooperation
- International humanitarian law
International instruments
- Used on
- Collection: HREA Study Guides,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web,
- IDP Laws and Policies,
- Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Legal Framework and Standards relating to the Detention of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- Refworld,
- Rights in Exile Programme,
- Select Bibliography: Landmines,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- Statelessness: A Web Research Guide,
- UNHCR Protection Manual,
- UNHCR Protection Manual
International law
- Used on
- A Critique of the Global Literature on the Conservation Refugee Problem,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Combating Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians,
- Georgetown Immigration Law Journal,
- Glossary on Migration,
- Handbook of International Human Rights Terminology,
- Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons,
- Human Trafficking,
- International Refugee Law Series,
- Legal Framework and Standards relating to the Detention of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Select Bibliography: Forcible Population Transfer,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights and Refugees,
- Statelessness: The Global Problem, Relevant Literature, and Research Rationale,
- Trafficking in Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons: An Annotated Legal Bibliography Delineating Five Years of Development,
- Trafficking in Persons Report
International migration
- Used on
- Atlas of International Migration,
- Atlas of Migration in Europe,
- Cambridge Survey of World Migration,
- Glossary on Migration,
- International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
- International Migration,
- International Migration Review,
- Journal of International Migration and Integration,
- Migration Policy Practice,
- Migration Studies,
- People on the Move: An Atlas of Migration,
- People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts,
- World Migration Report
- International organizations
International protection
- Used on
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Glossary on Migration,
- Handbook for the Protection of Internally Displaced Persons,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- International Refugee Law Series,
- Journal on Migration and Human Security,
- Master Glossary of Terms,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Refugees and Human Rights,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Routledge Research in Asylum, Migration and Refugee Law,
- Select Bibliography: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights, Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Action,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Protection,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 1998,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 1999,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2000,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2001,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2002,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2003,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2004,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2005,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2006,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR at 50,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR Executive Committee Documents Issued in 1996,
- Strengthening Partnership to Ensure Protection, also in Relation to Security: Select Bibliography,
- UNHCR Protection Manual
International refugee law
- Used on
- ELENA: European Legal Network on Asylum,
- Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ),
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- International Refugee Law Series,
- International Refugee Law Subcommittee,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Master Glossary of Terms,
- Paul Weis,
- Routledge Research in Asylum, Migration and Refugee Law,
- Select Bibliography: Reconciling State Interests with International Protection,
- Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- UNHCR Protection Manual,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- International relations
- International security
- International solidarity
- Interviews
- Involuntary repatriation
- Ireland
- Journalists
- Judges
- Judicial system
- Karen
- Kenya
- Used on
- Education in Emergencies
- Landmines
- Language
- Laos
- Used on
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Common European Asylum System,
- European Journal of Migration and Law,
- Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration,
- Select Bibliography: Migration and Asylum,
- Select Bibliography: Nationality and Statelessness,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation,
- Selected Bibliography on Housing and Property Restitution
- Law of asylum
- Lawyers
- Legal aid
- Legal protection
- Legal representation
- Legislature
- Liberia
- Used on
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm
- Libraries
- Literature
- Living conditions
- Local settlement
- Location of camps
- Malnutrition
- Management
Manmade disasters
- Used on
- Collection: EM-DAT
- Manuals
- Used on
- Armed Conflicts Report,
- Cambridge Survey of World Migration,
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: EM-DAT,
- Collection: Population and Social Conditions,
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- Freedom in the World,
- Global Estimates,
- Global Internal Displacement Database,
- Internal Displacement: Global Overview,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons Report
- Maternal and child health care
- Media
- Medical treatment
- Medicine
- Used on
- Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Can We Talk and Is Anybody Listening,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Collection: FMO Podcasts,
- Comprehensive Literature Review of Global Public Policy,
- EXCOM in Abstracts,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Forced Migration and Global Processes,
- International Association for the Study of Forced Migration (IASFM),
- International Association of Refugee Law Judges (IARLJ),
- International Council of Voluntary Agencies,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Refugee Compensation,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugees and Forced Migrants at the Crossroads,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Researching Internal Displacement,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights, Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Action,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement
Mental health
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Refugee Mental Health,
- Applicability of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Concept to Refugees,
- Cultural Influences in Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma,
- Emotional Effects of Disaster on Children,
- Greatest Impact of War and Conflict,
- Human Trafficking: A Review for Mental Health Professionals,
- Immigrant and Refugee Children in Canada,
- International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
- Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling,
- Managing and Understanding Psychological Issues among Refugee Applicants,
- Measuring Trauma and Health Status in Refugees,
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters,
- Mental Health Consequences of War,
- Mental Health Implications of Detaining Asylum Seekers,
- Mental Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Mental Health Issues in Refugee Populations,
- Mental Health Issues in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors,
- Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children,
- Mental Health of Refugee Children,
- Mental Health Status in Refugees,
- Predisplacement and Postdisplacement Factors Associated with Mental Health,
- Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Torture among Tibetan Refugees,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Psychological Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees Resettling in Australia,
- Psychosocial Concepts in Humanitarian Work with Children,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Rights-based Approaches to Mental Health Services with Refugees,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Suffering and Resiliency of Refugee Women,
- The Utilisation of Mental Health Services by Children and Young People from a Refugee Background,
- They First Killed His Heart (Then) He Took His Own Life,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families,
- Understanding Mental Health Needs of Southeast Asian Refugees,
- What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees
Methods and means of war
- Used on
- Penguin Atlas of War and Peace
Middle East
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Appendix II: Literature Review,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Review of Recent Research on Human Trafficking in the Middle East,
- Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement,
- UNRWA in Figures
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography of New Zealand Literature on Migrant and Refugee Youth,
- Diverse Communities,
- Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Refugee and Migrant Needs,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber
- Migrant workers
- Used on
- Asylum and Migration Glossary,
- Asylum Migration and Implications for Countries of Origin,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Comparative Migration Studies,
- Conceptualizing Climate Change Migration,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- Europe, Refugees and International Migration,
- European Journal of Migration and Law,
- International Library of Migration Studies,
- Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies,
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Migration-Development Nexus,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- Program in Migration and Refugee Studies,
- Select Bibliography: Migration and Asylum,
- State of Environmental Migration,
- Systematic Bibliography on Return Migration
- Migration policy
- Minority groups
- Monitoring
- Mortality statistics
- Used on
- Mixed Reception
- Mozambique
- Nansen Office
- Nationality
National law
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Forced Migration Connection,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Combating Trafficking in Persons: A Handbook for Parliamentarians,
- Database on Protection against Statelessness in Europe,
- Georgetown Immigration Law Journal,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Guide to International Refugee Law Resources on the Web,
- IDP Laws and Policies,
- Internally Displaced Persons: Guide to Legal Information Resources on the Web,
- Mixed Reception,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Refworld,
- Statelessness: A Web Research Guide,
- Trafficking in Europe,
- Trafficking in Persons Report,
- Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking
- National legislation
- National refugee law
National security
- Used on
- After the Conflict
Natural disasters
- Used on
- Annual Disaster Statistical Review,
- Collection: EM-DAT,
- Environmental Refugees: Myth or Reality,
- Global Estimates,
- Human Rights and Natural Disasters,
- IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies
- Natural resources
- Needs
- Needs assessment
- Nepal
- Netherlands
- Neurotic and personality disorders
- Used on
- Collection: RSC Library Videos
New Zealand
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography of New Zealand Literature on Migrant and Refugee Youth,
- Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Research Directory,
- Diverse Communities,
- Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools,
- Long Term Settlement of Refugees,
- Refugee and Migrant Needs,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region
- Used on
- Development, Humanitarian NGOs and Conflict,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- Humanitarian Assistance and Conflict,
- Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century,
- Human Rights and Trafficking in Persons,
- IOM Handbook of Direct Assistance for Victims of Trafficking,
- Planning Education in and after Emergencies,
- Southern Refugee Legal Aid Network
- Non-refoulement
- Norway
- Used on
- Bibliography: Nursing Research and Practice with Refugees,
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Effects of Violence on Health and Adjustment of Southeast Asian Refugee Children,
- Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children,
- Nursing Research with Refugees,
- They First Killed His Heart (Then) He Took His Own Life
- Nutrition
- Nutritional needs
- OAU Convention refugees
- OAUR69
- Oceania
- Organizations
- Pakistan
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Appendix II: Literature Review,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Collection: UNRWA Audiovisual Archive,
- Palestinian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography,
- Research Papers on the Refugee Issue,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine,
- UNRWA in Figures
- Parasitic diseases
- Peace building
Peace efforts
- Used on
- Alert,
- Collection: Practical Guide to Humanitarian Law,
- Education and Conflict,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- MiniAtlas of Human Security,
- Palestinian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography,
- Peace and Conflict,
- Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration,
- Thesaurus and Glossary of Early Warning and Conflict Prevention Terms,
- Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- Peacekeeping
- Used on
- Anuario de Acción Humanitaria y Derechos Humanos,
- AWR Bulletin,
- Development in Practice,
- Disasters: The Journal of Disaster Studies, Policy and Management,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Humanitarian Exchange,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- International Refugee Law Subcommittee,
- International Review of the Red Cross,
- Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling,
- ISIL Year Book of International Humanitarian and Refugee Law,
- Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Refugee Watch,
- Review of Contributions to Disasters,
- The Researcher,
- Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law
- Philippines
- Photographic slides
- Used on
- Cambridge Survey of World Migration,
- Collection: UNHCR Audio-Visual Archive,
- Collection: UNRWA Audiovisual Archive,
- Collection: FMO Photos,
- Collection: IRIN Photo,
- Crimes of War,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Internal Displacement: Global Overview,
- Refugee and Immigrant Health,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- World Refugee Survey
- Used on
- Building Livelihoods,
- Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Reparation, and Development,
- Handbook for Emergencies,
- Handbook for Planning and Implementing Development Assistance for Refugees (DAR) Programmes,
- Handbook for Repatriation and Reintegration Activities,
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook,
- Planning Education in and after Emergencies,
- Primary Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement
- Used on
- AWR Bulletin,
- Camps,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Comprehensive Literature Review of Global Public Policy,
- Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy,
- Desk Review on Urban Reintegration,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Displacement, Resettlement, Rehabilitation, Reparation, and Development,
- Education in Crisis Situations,
- European Journal of Migration and Law,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Forced Evictions and Displacement,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- HPG Publications,
- Humanitarian Exchange,
- Humanitarian Practice Network (HPN),
- IDP Laws and Policies,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Impact of Refugees on the Environment,
- Injuries Among Afghan Refugees,
- International Library of Migration Studies,
- International Migration,
- International Network on Displacement and Resettlement (INDR),
- International Review of the Red Cross,
- Involuntary Resettlement,
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook,
- Journal of Humanitarian Assistance,
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- Migration-Development Nexus,
- Older Refugees in the UK,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugee Education,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugee Integration: Can Research Synthesis Inform Policy,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugee Resettlement: A Literature Review,
- Refworld,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Resettlement of Refugees in Australia,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Routledge Studies in Development, Displacement and Resettlement,
- Search for Solutions: Achievements and Challenges,
- Select Bibliography: Migration and Asylum,
- Select Bibliography: Nationality and Statelessness,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation,
- Selected Bibliography on Displacement Caused by Development Projects,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- There Are Alternatives,
- Toward Local Development and Mitigating Impoverishment in Development-induced Displacement,
- Trafficking in Europe,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement,
- UNHCR Resettlement Handbook,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Urban Refugees in Kenya,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- World Humanitarian Data and Trends,
- World Migration Report
- Policy making
Political change
- Used on
- After the Conflict
- Political violence
- Politics
Post-traumatic stress disorders
- Used on
- Applicability of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Concept to Refugees,
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters,
- Mental Health Issues in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families
- Used on
- A Critique of the Global Literature on the Conservation Refugee Problem,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Forced Evictions,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Toward Local Development and Mitigating Impoverishment in Development-induced Displacement,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement
- Pregnancy
- Preventive diplomacy
- Primary health care
Print media
- Used on
- Global Institutions,
- HPG Publications,
- Humanitarian Solutions in the 21st Century,
- Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe,
- International Humanitarian Affairs Book Series,
- International Library of Migration Studies,
- International Refugee Law Series,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- Program in Migration and Refugee Studies,
- Refugees and Human Rights,
- Roundtable on the Demography of Forced Migration,
- Routledge Humanitarian Studies,
- Studies in Forced Migration
- Project management
- Promotion
- Prostitution
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,
- Asylum and Migration Glossary,
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Collection: HREA Study Guides,
- Collection: IASC Products,
- Collection: Refworld Handbooks, Manuals,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Conceptualizing Climate Change Migration,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Guide to the Literature: Forced Evictions,
- Handbook for Emergencies,
- Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons,
- Human Rights and Natural Disasters,
- IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters,
- Linking Livelihoods and Protection,
- Literature Review: Urban Refugees,
- Literature Review of Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts,
- Protecting Internally Displaced Persons,
- Protection: An ALNAP Guide for Humanitarian Agencies,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons,
- Select Bibliography: Internally Displaced Persons in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Women,
- Select Bibliography: Statelessness,
- Select Bibliography: Women,
- Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Women,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons Report,
- Trends in Conflict and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict
Psychiatric treatment
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Refugee Mental Health,
- Cultural Influences in Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma,
- How Effective are Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Direct Experience of Armed Conflict,
- Human Trafficking: A Review for Mental Health Professionals,
- Mental Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Mental Health of Refugee Children,
- Mental Health Status in Refugees,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Psychological Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees Resettling in Australia,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees
Psycho-social problems
- Used on
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Development of a Rapid Psychosocial Needs Assessment,
- How Effective are Measures Taken to Mitigate the Impact of Direct Experience of Armed Conflict,
- Intervention: The International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling,
- Mental Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Mental Health Issues in Refugee Populations,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Psychosocial Concepts in Humanitarian Work with Children,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- What Research Tells Us about the Mental Health and Psychosocial Wellbeing of Sudanese Refugees
- Psychological problems
- Psychological rehabilitation
- Psychological tests
- Publications
Public health
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Communicable Diseases in Complex Emergencies,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations,
- Malaria Control during Mass Population Movements and Natural Disasters,
- Public Health Aspects of Complex Emergencies and Refugee Situations,
- Role of the Applied Epidemiologist in Armed Conflict
- Public opinion
- Racism
- Used on
- IDP Laws and Policies
- Ratifications
- Receiving countries
Receiving country
- Used on
- Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Collection: UNHCR Audio-Visual Archive,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Impact of Refugees on the Environment,
- Refugees and Host Environments,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- UNHCR Resettlement Handbook,
- World Refugee Survey
- Reception
- Used on
- After the Conflict,
- Alert,
- Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Planning Education in and after Emergencies,
- Post-Conflict Peacebuilding,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
- Red Cross
- Reference materials
- Refugee-assisting organizations
- Refugee/local community relations
Refugee aid and development
- Used on
- After the Conflict,
- Developmental Relief,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Humanitarian Assistance: Breaking the Waves of Complex Political Emergencies,
- Linking Relief and Development,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Migration-Development Nexus,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees,
- Somali Refugees in the Horn of Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa
Refugee camps
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Camps,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Collection: UNRWA Audiovisual Archive,
- Collection: FMO Photos,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Entrenched Relations and the Permanence of Long-term Refugee Camp Situations,
- Families in Refugee Camps,
- No Solutions in Sight: The Problem of Protracted Refugee Situations in Africa,
- Palestinian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Refugees and Host Environments,
- Review of Published Literature on Malaria Control in Complex Emergencies,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Select Bibliography: Security in Refugee Populated Areas,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees,
- Silent Majority: Women as Refugees,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- World Refugee Survey
- Refugee definitions
Refugee experiences
- Used on
- Collecting Children's Refugee Literature,
- Collection: FMO Videos,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- Diverse Communities,
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- Mental Health Issues in Refugee Populations,
- Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration,
- Palestinian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Refugees in America in the 1990s,
- Refugee Stories,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- RSC Working Papers,
- Study on Impacts and Costs of Forced Displacement,
- Suffering and Resiliency of Refugee Women
Refugee impact
- Used on
- Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants,
- Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements,
- Environmentally-Induced Displacement,
- Forced Migration and Environmental Change,
- Impact of Refugees on the Environment,
- Indochinese Refugees in Australia,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- People on the Move in a Changing Climate,
- Refugees and Host Environments,
- Select Bibliography: Burden-sharing,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- Study on Impacts and Costs of Forced Displacement,
- Urban Refugees in Kenya
- Refugee movements
- Refugee participation
Refugee rights
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Canadian Association of Refugee Lawyers,
- Human Rights and Refugees in Africa,
- International Refugee Law Subcommittee,
- Mixed Reception,
- Refugee Livelihoods: Continuity and Transformations,
- Rights in Exile Programme,
- Southern Refugee Legal Aid Network,
- UNHCR Protection Manual,
- World Refugee Survey
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography of New Zealand Literature on Migrant and Refugee Youth,
- Annotated Bibliography on Refugee Mental Health,
- Annotated Bibliography on Themes Identified at the Middle East Peace Negotiations,
- Annotated Introduction to the Literature,
- Appendix II: Literature Review,
- Applicability of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Concept to Refugees,
- Are Refugees at Increased Risk of Substance Misuse,
- Asylum and Migration Glossary,
- Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Other Immigrants,
- AWR Bulletin,
- Bibliography (Refugee Historical Dictionary),
- Bibliography: Nursing Research and Practice with Refugees,
- Cambridge Survey of World Migration,
- Camps,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Collection: UNHCR Audio-Visual Archive,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: UNRWA Audiovisual Archive,
- Collection: FMO Photos,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Collection: ReliefWeb Map Centre,
- Collection: RSC Library Videos,
- Critical Review of Scholarly Work on Refugees in Egypt,
- Cultural Influences in Psychotherapy with Refugee Survivors of Torture and Trauma,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies,
- Diverse Communities,
- Drug Prevention for Young Asylum Seekers and Refugees,
- Encyclopedia of Diasporas,
- Encyclopedia of Global Human Migration,
- Encyclopedia of Immigrant Health,
- Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements,
- Europe, Refugees and International Migration,
- Evidence Base for Future Policy,
- Evidence from the Literature: What Works and What Doesn't,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Forced Migration Review,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,
- Guide to Published Research on Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Immigrants in Ireland,
- Handbook for Emergencies,
- Historical Dictionary of Refugee and Disaster Relief Organizations ,
- Human Rights and Refugees in Africa,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Impact of Refugees on the Environment,
- Injuries Among Afghan Refugees,
- Integration: Mapping the Field,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- International Migration Review,
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies,
- Journal of International Migration and Integration,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- Long Term Settlement of Refugees,
- Measuring Trauma and Health Status in Refugees,
- Mental Health Consequences of War,
- Mental Health Issues in Refugee Populations,
- Mental Health Status in Refugees,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Mixed Reception,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- No Solutions in Sight: The Problem of Protracted Refugee Situations in Africa,
- Nursing Research with Refugees,
- Older Refugees in the UK,
- On School Quality and Attainment,
- Overview of Research into Refugee Groups in Britain during the 1900s,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Palestinian Refugees: An Annotated Bibliography,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Path to Integration: Meeting the Special Needs of Refugee Elders in Resettlement,
- Penguin Atlas of War and Peace,
- People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts,
- Predisplacement and Postdisplacement Factors Associated with Mental Health,
- Prevalence of HIV Infection in Conflict-affected and Displaced People,
- Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Torture among Tibetan Refugees,
- Primary Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Psychological Treatment of Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Public Health Aspects of Complex Emergencies and Refugee Situations,
- Refuge: Canada’s Periodical on Refugees,
- Refugee and Asylum Seeker Research in Scotland,
- Refugee and Immigrant Health,
- Refugee and Labour Movements in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Refugee and Migrant Needs,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugee Education,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugee Integration: Can Research Synthesis Inform Policy,
- Refugee Integration in Canada,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugee Livelihoods: Continuity and Transformations,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Refugees, Immigrants, and the State,
- Refugees: A Conceptual View of Current Research,
- Refugees and Exile,
- Refugees and Host Environments,
- Refugees and Human Rights,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Refugees in America in the 1990s,
- Refugees in Western Europe,
- Refugee Stories,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Refugee Watch,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Research Directory,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Research Papers on the Refugee Issue,
- Resettlement of Refugees in Australia,
- Resource Guide to Displaced and Refugees Studies in the Sudan,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of Literature,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights, Refugee Protection and Humanitarian Action,
- Select Bibliography: Human Rights and Refugees,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Issues in the Great Lakes Region of Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Select Bibliography: Security in Refugee Populated Areas,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration,
- Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature,
- Select Bibliography on Refugees and Religion,
- Selected Bibliography on Housing and Property Restitution,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Selective Literature Review: Immigration, Acculturation and Substance Abuse,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees,
- Short Review of Literature on the Health Problems of Refugees,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- They First Killed His Heart (Then) He Took His Own Life,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families,
- Understanding Mental Health Needs of Southeast Asian Refugees,
- UNHCR Global Trends,
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine,
- UNRWA in Figures,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Use of Cultural Themes in Promoting Health among Southeast Asian Refugees,
- Whose Needs are Right,
- Working with Refugee Children,
- World Refugee Survey
- Refugee status
- Refugee status applications
Refugee status determination procedures
- Used on
- Asylum Information Database,
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Collection: Refworld Handbooks, Manuals,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Ecoi,
- International Journal of Refugee Law,
- Managing and Understanding Psychological Issues among Refugee Applicants,
- Master Glossary of Terms,
- Refworld,
- Researching Country of Origin Information,
- Rights in Exile Programme,
- UNHCR Protection Manual
Regional instruments
- Used on
- IDP Laws and Policies
- Regional refugee instruments
- Regional security
- Regional treaties
- Reintegration
- Rejected asylum seekers
- Religious groups
- Religious persecution
- Religious practice
- Remittances
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Indochinese Refugee Repatriation,
- Asylum Migration and Implications for Countries of Origin,
- Handbook for Repatriation and Reintegration Activities,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Somali Refugees in the Horn of Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
- Used on
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Common European Asylum System,
- Ecoi,
- Evaluative Reports Database,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Forced Migration Digital Library,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Refworld,
- Research Directory,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Research Papers on the Refugee Issue,
- RSC Working Papers,
- United Nations Information System on the Question of Palestine,
- Updates
Reproductive health
- Used on
- Inter-agency Field Manual on Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Assistance,
- Reproductive Health in the Context of Forced Migration,
- Review of Literature,
- Review of the Health Status of Southeast Asian Refugee Women,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- Systematic Review of Refugee Women's Reproductive Health,
- War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility
- Republic of Korea
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography on Refugee Mental Health,
- Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Research Directory,
- Armed Conflict and Public Health,
- Assessing the Impact of Humanitarian Assistance in the Health Sector,
- Barriers to Accessing Primary Education in Conflict-Affected Fragile States,
- Bibliography: Nursing Research and Practice with Refugees,
- Bibliography of Research-based Literature on Human Trafficking,
- Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Changing Agendas in the Study of Forced Migration,
- Child Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Children Affected by Armed Conflict in South Asia,
- Children Affected by Organized Violence,
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Collection: FMO Expert Guides,
- Collection: Eldis Resource Guides,
- Comprehensive Literature Review of Global Public Policy,
- Conflict, Postwar Rebuilding and the Economy,
- Country of Origin Information and Women,
- Critical Review of Scholarly Work on Refugees in Egypt,
- Data and Research on Human Trafficking: Bibliography of Research-Based Literature,
- Development-Induced Displacement and Resettlement,
- Development and Maintenance of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- Displaced Peoples and Refugee Studies,
- Documenting Sexual Violence in Conflict,
- Drinking and Displacement,
- Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States,
- Education and Conflict,
- Education and Conflict: Research and Research Possibilities,
- Education in Crisis Situations,
- Environmental Causes and Impact of Refugee Movements,
- Environmental Change and Forced Migration,
- Environmentally-Induced Displacement,
- Environmentally-Induced Displacement,
- Eviction for Conservation,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Forced Evictions and Displacement,
- Forced Migration and Environmental Change,
- Getting to Grips with Trafficking,
- Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network,
- Global Database: Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement,
- Global Emergency Medicine,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2012,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2013,
- Global Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2014,
- Guide to Published Research on Refugees, Asylum-Seekers and Immigrants in Ireland,
- Health Effects of Relocation Following Disaster,
- Health Policy Formulation in Complex Political Emergencies and Post-Conflict Countries,
- Historical Development of Public Health Responses to Disasters,
- HPG Publications,
- Humanitarian Assistance: Breaking the Waves of Complex Political Emergencies,
- Human Trafficking: A Review for Mental Health Professionals,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Human Trafficking in East Asia,
- Integration: Mapping the Field,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- International Emergency Medicine: A Review of the Literature from 2010,
- International Humanitarian Studies Association,
- International Migration,
- International Migration Review,
- Into the Next Millennium: An Agenda for Refugee Studies,
- Involuntary Resettlement,
- Journal of Refugee Studies,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Literature Review on Trafficking in West and East Africa,
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters,
- Mental Health Consequences of War,
- Mental Health in Complex Emergencies,
- Mental Health Issues in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors,
- Mental Health Status in Refugees,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Migration-Development Nexus,
- Migration Studies,
- Networks of Support,
- New Issues in Refugee Research,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- Nursing Research with Refugees,
- Older Refugees in the UK,
- On School Quality and Attainment,
- Overview of Research into Refugee Groups in Britain during the 1900s,
- Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies,
- Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration,
- Part Three: Settlement and Resettlement,
- Past, Present and Future: The Indochinese Refugee Experience Twenty Years Later,
- Political Violence in the Third World,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Precarious Housing and Hidden Homelessness,
- Predisplacement and Postdisplacement Factors Associated with Mental Health,
- Prevalence of Mental Disorders and Torture among Tibetan Refugees,
- Problem by a Different Name,
- Program in Migration and Refugee Studies,
- Psychosocial Interventions for Children in War-Affected Areas,
- Public Health, Conflict and Human Rights,
- Refugee and Asylum Seeker Research in Scotland,
- Refugee and Migrant Needs,
- Refugee Convention at 50,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugee Integration: Can Research Synthesis Inform Policy,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Refugee Research Network,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Refugees: A Conceptual View of Current Research,
- Refugees and Exile,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- Report of the Second Annual Meeting of the International Research and Advisory Panel January 1991,
- Researching Country of Origin Information,
- Researching Internal Displacement,
- Research on Human Trafficking in North America,
- Resource Guide to Displaced and Refugees Studies in the Sudan,
- Resources for Refugee Research,
- Responses to Geopolitical Change: Refugee Flows in the Post-Communist Era,
- Review of a Decade of Research on Trafficking in Persons, Cambodia,
- Review of Contributions to Disasters,
- Review of Recent Research on Human Trafficking in the Middle East,
- Review of Research and Data on Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Rights-based Approaches to Mental Health Services with Refugees,
- Roundtable on the Demography of Forced Migration,
- Routledge Humanitarian Studies,
- RSC Working Papers,
- Select Bibliography: Women,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- Shelter Provision and Settlement Policies for Refugees,
- Short Review of Literature on the Health Problems of Refugees,
- Smuggling of Migrants,
- Smuggling of Migrants into, through and from North Africa,
- Statelessness: The Global Problem, Relevant Literature, and Research Rationale,
- State of Our Art: A Report on the Fourth International Research and Advisory Panel Meeting,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan,
- Studies in Forced Migration,
- Study of Refugees Before Refugee Studies,
- Study on Impacts and Costs of Forced Displacement,
- Systematic Review of Refugee Women's Reproductive Health,
- Taking Stock: A Review of Existing Research on Trafficking for Sexual Exploitation,
- Tale of Two Solitudes,
- There Are Alternatives,
- The Utilisation of Mental Health Services by Children and Young People from a Refugee Background,
- Trafficking: A Demand Led Problem,
- Trafficking for the Purposes of Labour Exploitation,
- Trafficking in Europe,
- Trafficking in Human Beings and Organized Crime,
- Trafficking in Persons in Latin America and the Caribbean,
- Trafficking in Women and Children,
- Trauma and Resilience among Bosnian Refugee Families,
- Treading along a Treacherous Trail: Research on Trafficking in Persons in South Asia,
- Understanding and Preventing Impoverishment from Displacement,
- Understanding Mental Health Needs of Southeast Asian Refugees,
- Urban Refugees in Kenya,
- War, Humanitarian Crises, Population Displacement, and Fertility,
- Whose Needs are Right,
- Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- You Can Find Anything You Want: A Critical Reflection on Research on Trafficking in Persons
- Used on
- Annotated Introduction to the Literature,
- Aotearoa New Zealand Refugee Research Directory,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Economic, Civic and Social Contributions of Refugees and Humanitarian Entrants,
- European Resettlement Network,
- Hmong: 1987-1995,
- Interventions for Refugee Children in New Zealand Schools,
- Long Term Settlement of Refugees,
- New Paradigms for Refugee Health Problems,
- Path to Integration: Meeting the Special Needs of Refugee Elders in Resettlement,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Psychological Wellbeing of Refugees Resettling in Australia,
- Refugee and Migrant Needs,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugee Resettlement: A Literature Review,
- Refugee Resettlement Research Project ‘Refugee Voices’,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Refugees in America in the 1990s,
- Resettlement of Refugees in Australia,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Review of Research on Refugees in the Austroasian Region,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Silent Majority: Women as Refugees,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families,
- Systematic Review of Refugee Women's Reproductive Health,
- UNHCR Resettlement Handbook,
- What Does the Literature Say about Resilience in Refugee People,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
- Resettlement policy
- Resettlement programmes
Resistance movements
- Used on
- Whose Needs are Right
- Resolutions
- Used on
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Desk Review on Urban Reintegration,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in the Sudan,
- Liberia, The Eye of the Storm,
- Refugee Repatriation,
- State of the Art Review of Research on Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees, Afghanistan,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- Systematic Bibliography on Return Migration,
- UNHCR Global Trends,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict
- Return migration
- Right of return
- Right to housing
- Right to justice
- Right to property
- Right to return
- Used on
- Roma and Forced Migration
- Safety of humanitarian personnel
- Safety of refugees
Saharan Arab Democratic Republic
- Used on
- Collection: FMO Photos
- Sanitation
- Schools
- Used on
- Peace and Conflict
Self-sustaining projects
- Used on
- Refugee Livelihoods
- Settlement assistance
- Settlements
Sexual violence
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,
- Documenting Sexual Violence in Conflict,
- Gender Based Violence Bibliography,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Refugee Reproductive Health,
- Reproductive Health for Refugees,
- Reproductive Health in the Context of Forced Migration,
- Vulnerable Women’s Project: Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women Affected by Rape or Sexual Violence
Smuggling of persons
- Used on
- Human Smuggling and Trafficking: A Desk Review on the Trafficking of Women from the Philippines,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Smuggling of Migrants,
- Smuggling of Migrants into, through and from North Africa,
- Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking
Social conditions
- Used on
- After the Conflict
- Social development
Social integration
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography of New Zealand Literature on Migrant and Refugee Youth,
- Diverse Communities,
- Refugee Integration in Canada,
- Refugees and Social Exclusion,
- Social Implications of Population Displacement and Resettlement,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
- Social networks
- Social problems
- Social relationships
Social services
- Used on
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care,
- International Sexual Trafficking of Women and Children,
- Literature Review: The Rehabilitation of Victims of Trafficking in Group Residential Facilities,
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Older Refugees in the UK,
- Review of the Literature on the Settlement of Refugees in Canada,
- Selective Literature Review: Immigration, Acculturation and Substance Abuse,
- UNRWA in Figures,
- What Does the Literature Say about Resilience in Refugee People,
- Working with Refugee Children
- Social welfare
- Social work
- Social workers
- Society
- Sociology
- Somalia
- Somalis
- South Africa
- South Americans
South Asia
- Used on
- Refugee Watch
- South East Asians
- Special needs
- Standard of living
Standards of treatment
- Used on
- All In Diary,
- Collection: Sphere Reading Materials,
- Good Practices for Urban Refugees,
- Humanitarian Accountability Report,
- Humanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Humanitarian Response,
- Legal Framework and Standards relating to the Detention of Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants,
- Mental and Social Health in Disasters
- State
- Used on
- Closing Protection Gaps,
- Database on Protection against Statelessness in Europe,
- European Network on Statelessness,
- Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- Refugee Watch,
- Select Bibliography: Nationality and Statelessness,
- Select Bibliography: Statelessness,
- Statelessness: A Web Research Guide,
- Statelessness: The Global Problem, Relevant Literature, and Research Rationale,
- UNHCR Protection Manual
Stateless persons
- Used on
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Database on Protection against Statelessness in Europe,
- European Network on Statelessness,
- Handbook on Protection of Stateless Persons,
- Les Migrations, les Réfugiés, les Droits de l’Homme,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- Select Bibliography: Statelessness,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- UNHCR Global Trends
- State responsibility
Statistical data
- Used on
- Annual Disaster Statistical Review,
- Asylum Levels and Trends in Industrialized Countries,
- Atlas of Migration in Europe,
- Collection: Trafficking Statistics Project,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Collection: UNHCR Statistical Online Population Database,
- Collection: CE-DAT,
- Collection: EM-DAT,
- Collection: IDMC Global Statistics,
- Collection: IDMC Maps,
- Collection: Population and Social Conditions,
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Dilemma of Nationhood and Religion,
- Global Estimates,
- Global Internal Displacement Database,
- Global Refugee Crisis,
- Global Report on Trafficking in Persons,
- Humanitarian Data Exchange,
- Humanitarian Response Index,
- Internal Displacement: Global Overview,
- MiniAtlas of Human Security,
- Peace and Conflict,
- Penguin Atlas of Diasporas,
- People on the Move: An Atlas of Migration,
- State of the Art Review of Refugee Studies in Africa,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- Statistical Yearbook,
- Survey of Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons,
- UNHCR Global Trends,
- UNRWA in Figures,
- World Disasters Report,
- World Humanitarian Data and Trends,
- World Migration Report,
- World Refugee Survey,
- Year Book on Illegal Migration, Human Smuggling and Trafficking
- Used on
- Children and War: Current Understandings and Future Directions,
- Families in Refugee Camps,
- Humanitarian Companion,
- Mental Health Issues in Refugee Populations,
- Mental Health of Refugee Children,
- Pervasive Refusal Syndrome among Asylum-seeking Children,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health
- Students
- Sudan
- Sudanese
- Suicide
- Supply and demand
- Surveys
Sustainable development
- Used on
- Glossary on Violent Conflict,
- HIV and AIDS: What are the Implications for Humanitarian Action,
- Internally Displaced, Refugees and Returnees from and in Mozambique,
- Involuntary Resettlement Sourcebook,
- Linking Livelihoods and Protection,
- Literature Review (Bridging the Gap),
- Livelihoods and Chronic Conflict,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Refugee Livelihoods: Continuity and Transformations,
- Refugees and Host Environments,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Toward Local Development and Mitigating Impoverishment in Development-induced Displacement
- Sweden
- Teaching materials
- Used on
- Bibliographic Template
Temporary refuge
- Used on
- Questioning Temporary Protection
- Temporary shelter
- Used on
- Asylum and Migration Glossary,
- Dictionary of Humanitarianism,
- Glossary: Internationally Agreed Glossary of Basic Terms related to Disaster Management,
- Glossary of Humanitarian Terms,
- Glossary on Migration,
- People on the Move: Handbook of Selected Terms and Concepts,
- Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
- Used on
- Collection: FMO Videos,
- IDP Voices
- Used on
- Collection: FMO Photos
- Theory
- Theses
- Tibetans
- Torture
- Training
- Used on
- Applicability of the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Concept to Refugees,
- Are Refugees at Increased Risk of Substance Misuse,
- Children's Risk, Resilience, and Coping in Extreme Situations,
- Measuring Trauma and Health Status in Refugees,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Psychological Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in Adult Refugees,
- Suffering and Resiliency of Refugee Women,
- What Does the Literature Say about Resilience in Refugee People
- Treaty obligations
- UDHR48
- Uganda
- UK nationals
- UN
Unaccompanied minors
- Used on
- Mental Health Issues in Unaccompanied Refugee Minors,
- Networks of Support,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Selected and Annotated Bibliography on the Psychological Needs of Refugee Children,
- Unaccompanied Children in the United States
- Used on
- Collection: UNHCR Audio-Visual Archive,
- Collection: UNHCR Map Portal,
- Education in Emergencies,
- Entrenched Relations and the Permanence of Long-term Refugee Camp Situations,
- Nationality and Statelessness,
- Paul Weis,
- Refugee Livelihoods,
- Select Bibliography of Refugee Literature,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- Statelessness: A Web Research Guide,
- State of the World’s Refugees,
- UNHCR Protection Manual
- Used on
- EXCOM in Abstracts,
- Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Refugee Survey Quarterly,
- Select Bibliography: Burden-sharing,
- Select Bibliography: Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 1998,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 1999,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2000,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2001,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2002,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2003,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2004,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2005,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR's Executive Committee in 2006,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR at 50,
- Select Bibliography: UNHCR Executive Committee Documents Issued in 1996,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and EXCOM,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- Strengthening Partnership to Ensure Protection, also in Relation to Security: Select Bibliography
- United Kindgom
United Kingdom
- Used on
- Attitudes towards Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Other Immigrants,
- Collection: ICAR Briefings,
- Collection: ICAR Navigation Guides,
- Developing a Model for Culturally Competent Primary Care Nursing,
- Drug Prevention for Young Asylum Seekers and Refugees,
- Evidence Base for Future Policy,
- Evidence from the Literature: What Works and What Doesn't,
- Evidence on Attitudes to Asylum and Immigration,
- Experiences and Needs of Refugee and Asylum Seeking Children in the UK,
- Glasgow Refugee, Asylum and Migration Network,
- How Can the Pro-asylum Lobby Act Strategically to Better Communicate Its Ideas,
- Integration: Mapping the Field,
- Integration: Mapping the Field (volume 2),
- Mental Health of Refugee Children,
- Migrants and Public Services in the UK,
- Older Refugees in the UK,
- Overview of Research into Refugee Groups in Britain during the 1900s,
- Primary Health Care for Refugees and Asylum Seekers,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Refugee and Asylum Seeker Research in Scotland,
- Refugee Housing and Neighbourhood Issues,
- Refugee Inclusion,
- Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Migrants in Yorkshire and Humber,
- Refugees and Other New Migrants,
- Refugee Stories,
- Research Directory,
- Researching Asylum in London,
- Review of the Literature on the Health Beliefs, Health Status, Health Needs, and Use of Services,
- Understanding and Changing Public Attitudes,
- Vulnerable Women’s Project: Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women Affected by Rape or Sexual Violence,
- Working with Refugee Children
United States
- Used on
- Annotated Introduction to the Literature,
- Educational Needs and Barriers for Refugee Students in the United States,
- Financial and Other Adjustment Assistance for Newcomers to Canada, USA and Australia,
- Gender-based Persecution as a Basis for Asylum,
- Hmong: 1987-1995,
- Human Trafficking: New Directions for Research,
- Immigration and Asylum,
- Journal on Migration and Human Security,
- Mental Health Needs of Refugee Children,
- Path to Integration: Meeting the Special Needs of Refugee Elders in Resettlement,
- Refugee Mental Health,
- Refugee Resettlement: A Literature Review,
- Refugees in America in the 1990s,
- Sex Trafficking into the United States,
- Social Work with Bosnian Muslim Refugee Children and Families,
- Unaccompanied Children in the United States,
- Use of Cultural Themes in Promoting Health among Southeast Asian Refugees
- Urban areas
- Urban refugees
- Value systems
- Victims
- Victims of conflict
- Video
- Vietnam
- Vietnamese
- Violence
- Violence against women
- Vocational training
Voluntary repatriation
- Used on
- Collection: Refworld Maps,
- Refugee Repatriation,
- Select Bibliography: Displacement in Africa,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Livelihoods,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and EXCOM,
- Select Bibliography: Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration,
- Systematic Bibliography on Return Migration
Vulnerable groups
- Used on
- HIV Risk and Prevention in Emergency-affected Populations,
- Human Rights and Natural Disasters,
- IASC Operational Guidelines on the Protection of Persons in Situations of Natural Disasters,
- Mental Health Consequences of War,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Public Nutrition in Complex Emergencies,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Health,
- Selected Bibliography on the Global Crisis of Internal Displacement,
- UNHCR Resettlement Handbook
- War crimes
- Water supply
- Used on
- Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network,
- Child Trafficking Digital Library,
- Collection: Trafficking Statistics Project,
- Country of Origin Information and Women,
- Documenting Sexual Violence in Conflict,
- Families in Refugee Camps,
- Forced Migration in Karamoja Uganda,
- Gender-based Persecution as a Basis for Asylum,
- Gender and Humanitarian Assistance,
- Gender Dimensions of Internal Displacement,
- Journeys of Jeopardy,
- Literature Review: Trafficking in Humanitarian Emergencies,
- Literature Review and Analysis Related to Human Trafficking in Post-Conflict Situations,
- Migrant Trafficking and Human Smuggling in Europe,
- Refugees, Gender and Human Security,
- Reproductive Health in the Context of Forced Migration,
- Review of Research and Data on Human Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa,
- Sex Trafficking into the United States,
- Trafficking in Persons,
- Trafficking in Persons: An Annotated Legal Bibliography Delineating Five Years of Development,
- Women's Roles in Conflict Prevention, Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Reconstruction,
- Women and Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Women refugees
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography: Sexual and Gender-Based Violence,
- Protection Concerns of Refugee Women,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- Review of the Health Status of Southeast Asian Refugee Women,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Women,
- Select Bibliography: Women,
- Selected Bibliography on Refugee Women,
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Refugee Women in Europe,
- Silent Majority: Women as Refugees,
- Sources of International Refugee Law,
- Suffering and Resiliency of Refugee Women,
- Systematic Review of Refugee Women's Reproductive Health,
- Vulnerable Women’s Project: Refugee and Asylum Seeking Women Affected by Rape or Sexual Violence,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives,
- Women Refugees in International Perspectives 1991-1999
- Womens rights
- Workers' rights
- World Bank
Wounds and injuries
- Used on
- Injuries Among Afghan Refugees
- Xenophobia
- Used on
- Annotated Bibliography of New Zealand Literature on Migrant and Refugee Youth,
- Drug Prevention for Young Asylum Seekers and Refugees,
- Education in Emergencies,
- Practitioner Review: Assessment and Treatment of Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- Promoting Psychosocial Well-being in Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Young People in the United Kingdom,
- Psychological Well Being of Child and Adolescent Refugee and Asylum Seekers,
- Refugee Education: A Global Review,
- Refugee Women and Girls,
- Review of Child and Adolescent Refugee Mental Health,
- Select Bibliography: Refugee Children and Adolescents,
- The Utilisation of Mental Health Services by Children and Young People from a Refugee Background,
- Untapped Potential: Adolescents Affected by Armed Conflict,
- Youth and Conflict